Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

First Question Asked: How does it work?

Add Academic Info
& Sport Stats
Match with Coaches
& Universities
Find the Best University
& Coach for You

Profile Questions

1. How do I maximize the number of university coaches I get matched with?
- Fill out your Personal and Academic info, Sports Statistics and Personal Evaluation. The process is automatic. From that point on, the coaches who are interested in your academic/sports results will be notified immediately. Make sure to have up to date game and practice video in Multimedia page.

2. How often should I update my Academic info?
- SAT, ACT and TOEFL should be updated every time you improve the test results. You should update your GPA every time you receive a grade card update from your secondary school.

3. How can I update my sports statistics?
- Go to: Profile -> Edit Profile -> Sports Results -> Save

4. How often should I update my multimedia content?
- Every time you have successful competition/game highlights that exposes your work ethic, progress and talents.

Recruiting Questions

1. When should I start with the recruiting process?
- Since the process takes some time, it’s never too soon to start. The earlier you begin the sooner you will be in contact with coaches and learn about the American university system. Coaches can begin contacting you themselves, only after the completion of your sophomore year in secondary school. But you can contact them at almost any time. To learn more about when coaches can contact you, go to Contact Periods.

2. Why should I include images & videos on my RekrutMe profile?
- Coaches want to see you play your sport, especially, if you do a team sport. It is the easiest and quickest way for coaches to evaluate your skill level and playing abilities. Showcasing your talents with highlight video’s is an extremely important part of getting you noticed by university coaches.

3. Why should I open a Rekrut profile rather than Free?
- The Rekrut profile gives you every tool you need to easily work through the recruiting process, match and communicate with university coaches, learn all you need to know about the American university system & find the best suited university for you.

4. How do I know I have a match?
- Whenever you have matched with a coach, you will be notified by email, as well as, the coach showing up in your Connections section.

5. How is RekrutMe different from recruiting agents or other recruiting companies?
- We simplified the entire recruiting process, matching you directly with university coaches based on their exact academic & sports criteria. We also gathered all the information you need and created the Step By Step plan, to help guide you along from ‘Telling your parents’ to ‘Applying for a Student Viza’.

6. What should I write in the first email to a college coach?
- Your first email is meant to introduce yourself as a person, a student and an athlete. It should be short and to the point. Make sure to link coaches through to your RekrutMe account, if they wish to see more detailed information about yourself, such as your game videos. Use the Email Templates to start you off.

7. How can I increase my chances to be recruited by the coaches who’ve visited my profile?
- Show initiative and send them a message. Research the school and let the coach know you are interested in what their university program has to offer. To help you put together an introductory email, use the Email Templates.

8. What should I do if a coach hasn’t responded to my email?
- First, go check Contact Periods in the resources page to see if it’s not a quiet period during which coaches are not allowed to contact any student-athlete prospects. If not, make sure your profile is up-to-date with academic and sports info along with new game video highlighting your skills. Then go on and feel free to send a short, polite reminder email to the coach, and let him/her know you’d love to hear back from them.

9. Can I contact other athletes through the message board?
- Yes, you can contact both coaches and athletes through the Message board, once you upgraded to a Rekrut profile.

10. How long until my paid Rekrut profile expires?
- Your paid Rekrut profile lasts 12 months from the day you paid the membership fee. After that your RekrutMe profile will turn into the Free profile.